Appraisal School
Hanging scrolls -- #20240619C
Headboard, French style, reproduction -- #20240605E
Bible, printed 1881 by Bradley, Garretson of Philadelphia -- #20240605A
Cross -- #20240524F
Bohemian facing left -- #20240425B
Bohemian stag head turned over back -- #20240425C
Imari Platter, 18-1/4" diameter -- #20240425A
Map of France by "Guillaume Delisle" 1721, -- #20240412E
Catholic Church vestment -- #20240412E
Catholic Church vestment -- #20240412D
Painting, young couple -- #20240408B
Engraving of Chateau of Chantilly -- #20240405L
Engraving of Versailles, 17th century -- #20240405J
Engraving of Royal Palace in Paris -- #20240405M
Torch Lamps -- #20240403A
Fireplace fender -- #20240401F
Claret jug, c. 1902, Edinburgh -- #20240401A
Hanging light, Mexican, modern glass, plus iron frame -- #20240328A
Epergne -- #20240326B
Edison Standard Phonograph, patent date 1898 -- #20240326A
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