A Full-Service Appraisal and Estate Sale Firm
Overview of Services

Dr. Ford is qualified to furnish six types of appraisals based on clients’ needs: replacement value, fair market value, liquidation value, selling/buying price ranges, and residual value in conjunction with damage/restoration costs. He does appraisal work for individuals, museums, as well as federal and state agencies, corporations, and insurance agents/adjusters.

Estate Sales
Items of Value, Inc. sells items on a consignment basis. One way of selling is by on-site estate sales. We average over 30 sales a year and have been conducting sales since 1978. These sales may combine items from several consignors at the same time, if space permits. We can pick up items from clients for sale elsewhere. We can also compile the inventory list and pack up items if the client so chooses.

Items of Value has professional full-time people with expertise to restore items. We pride ourselves on camouflaged restoration to the fullest extent possible. Much of our restoration work deals with antique furniture and paintings, but we also do ceramics, and metals. Our clients include museums, historic homes, both federal and state agencies, and private collectors.

Consulting & Instruction
Dr. Ford provides consulting work to insurance companies, bank trust and loan departments, dealers, auction houses, attorneys, artists, craftspeople, and individuals desiring to sell, buy, replace items, obtain collateralized loans, or settle claims.
He has given seminars/courses for professional appraisers, antiques and fine art dealers, and the public. He created a videotape series on appraising and antiques for cable network television.